Did you enjoy your coffee?
– a random act of kindness can be anything though.
Well, a stranger just invited you.
– what will you do?
Take the card
Just put it into your wallet and smile.
The paying stranger already left the scene. Actually, this is the first rule: leave before you can see her/his reaction.
You already scanned the QR Code. So, can you imagine how it is going to work in the future?
Use the card
Next time, try it as well and smile.
Whenever you find yourself in the next coffee shop pick a random stranger. Make a quick decision without questioning it any longer.
Explain your intention to the waiter, pay, give him the card and leave. Do you remember the first rule?
Trust the card
Make this card travel on and smile.
If you decide to use the card there is a new chance for somebody else to use it. Can we make it travel around the world – forever?
Remember: you have been selected randomly. Whom are you going to choose?
A project without business goals
Once I moved 11,803 km away from where I used to live. I encountered myself in a country less priviledged than the one I grew up in. Back in the days I had already visited a few countries. And, I remembered that most of the people I got to know along my travels were kind. Many times I questioned if it had to do with the culture, the extroverted being I am or simply the particular day – no answer. Was it poverty that made people more kind? Well, I have not read all the scientific papers. However, I believe it is simply human to be kind.
Indeed, my hypothesis is that we humans have kindness engrained. Yes, every human has some kind of kindness – somewhere. Even the grumpiest of humans will be kind one day. At least, in this project let us try to stay optimistic and, therefore, kind. Anyway, this is not a social project (yet). I am not even trying to “make the world a better place” – it already is. There are no hidden business goals nor a cult behind howdohumans. We could make it a movement though. However, I will need you to pass on the card you just received. So, the questions is: do you feel kind (today)?